3 Ways a Smart Home Automation System Helps Control Your Power Bills

There are several reasons to get a smart home automation system. You might want to improve home security or just make life more convenient. Another reason to have a smart home automation system installed is so you can monitor and control your energy use. Here are three ways an automation system helps improve the energy efficiency of your home to keep your bills lower.

1. Regulates the HVAC Automatically

A smart thermostat learns your habits so it can control the temperature in your home whether you're at home or away. It does this by learning your routine, sensing your presence in the house, monitoring outdoor weather conditions, or by monitoring you with a geofence you have defined.

The thermostat then uses what it has learned to automatically turn down the HVAC when you leave the house or go to bed and automatically turn it back up when you're about to get home from work. Your smart climate control system can even turn on ceiling fans and lower blinds to block the sun. In addition to controlling parts of your home to maintain the ideal temperature at the lowest cost, the system tracks energy usage so you can find out when you're wasting energy and make adjustments as needed to keep your energy bill low.

2. Turns Off Lights and Reduce Standby Energy Drain

Another way to save on energy costs is to turn off lights when you're not using them. A home automation system can turn off lights shortly after you leave a room so you never leave a light burning unnecessarily. You can further use an automation system to control energy drains from appliances and electronics when they're not in use.

The smart system cuts power to things like the washing machine and television but allows certain outlets to always have power for charging your phone and operating your WiFi. This is more convenient than unplugging everything as soon as you're finished using it. Eliminating most of the standby power used by your electronics could have an impact on your power bill.

3. Lowers Your Hot Water Bill by Conserving Water

You can conserve water with a smart home automation system. Controlling your sprinklers can affect cold water usage, but others like controlling faucets and the shower reduce hot water use. You could install faucets that are motion activated so they turn off rather than waste money when your hands aren't under the stream of water. You can even find showerheads that alert you when you spend too much time in the shower. The smart system can also track how much water you use so you can spot ways to cut back to control your bills. The system even has a monitor and alarm that notify you when a water leak occurs.

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The Many Forms of Security For some, security comes in the form of a simple lock. For others, security comes from a system of cameras. Carbon monoxide alarms, smoke detectors, and door alarms are also security features as they protect you and your family from harm. If you don't often take time to consider your security, then we recommend making a change. By taking the time out to think about your security on a weekly basis, you can be proactive and prevent intrusions and other accidents. Use the articles on this blog to guide your thoughts about security. We'll dive into a wide range of topics to fuel your interest and education.



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